VIVIBEAUTY SPA Becomes a Lifestyle

The American WINEX Skin Medical Research Center continually develops the latest technology and exclusive patented formulas, focusing on the development of specialized skincare formulas for different races, skin types, and climates around the world, gaining the trust of countries worldwide in terms of quality.Based on the extensive experiments conducted for Asian skin’s over 10 years, the Winex Derma successfully developed the most suitable natural skincare products at last for Asian’s skin, creates “VIVIBEAUTY” targeted at the Asian markets, and opened up new sales directions. Today, with natural skin care products and diversified spa services, VIVIBEAUTY has become the icon of SPA.



The Ultimate Energy Returns to Simplicity

Three thousand years ago, during the prolonged ten-year war between Greece and Troy, the warrior Rhudis fought tirelessly every day with heavy weapons in intense battles. Concerned about the physical toll the conflict was taking on her husband, his wife Katana, skilled in the art of massage, performed a daily lymphatic drainage massage on Rhudis using feather-light strokes to soothe his entire body. Therefore, after years of thorough research, the Director of Research and Development at Winex Technologies deeply understood people's pursuit of youthful, healthy skin. In addition to the body's most complex lymphatic system, it was necessary to explore from the source of the mind and body, interpreting the body's whispers, in order to precisely rejuvenate and activate energy. Consequently, breakthroughs were made through stimulating the brainwave vibrations from the five senses of the human body: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, activating the natural mechanism of release and healing power. With the guidance of professional rhythmic techniques, we call it the Magic American Champissage Treatment (MAC-T).



就是這樣的SPA生活 Just the SPA Living
Everyday Home SPA , Enjoy Day SPA

孕育VIVISPA VIVISPA是從陽光花園所誕生的SPA館,在綻放的花朵中洋溢熱情與芬芳,呼應著每位來VIVISPA享受呵護的顧客,都如出水芙蓉般煥然一新。 VIVISPA除了照顧女性朋友,更積極推動以〝家庭〞為中心延伸SPA的樂活,增進家庭與親近朋友間的互動與關心,提供頂級優質的環境與專業產品,將健康的概念延展到全家人, 我們稱之為Family SPA。 VIVISPA以木蓮花為主軸,原產於北美東南部,一朵朵白色木蓮花在枝頭上搖曳生姿,展現高貴典雅之特性,清新脫俗的優雅氣質



薇食妝 享健康
VH 嶄新時尚保健, 薇在食妝伸展台, 輕鬆駕馭健康時尚美
